Georgia World Language Teacher
Peer Mentoring Program
Congratulations to the 2024-25 Cohort
Mentees: Erin Gonzalez & Catherine Jarret
Mentors: Maureen Warner & Angela Williams
Update 10/16/24
Congratulations to our additional members of the 2024-25 Cohort
Mentees: Juliana Juhan & William Tagoumchie
Mentors: Jennifer Carter & Tavane Moore
Congratulations to the 2024-25 Cohort
Mentees: Erin Gonzalez & Catherine Jarret
Mentors: Maureen Warner & Angela Williams
Update 10/16/24
Congratulations to our additional members of the 2024-25 Cohort
Mentees: Juliana Juhan & William Tagoumchie
Mentors: Jennifer Carter & Tavane Moore
Mentoring is a critical component to teacher success, and thereby student achievement. Mentoring is even more powerful when it's done with someone in the same content area. As world language teachers, we don't always have a language mentor in our school, or even in the district. That's the reason STaRLT is launching a peer mentor program for Georgia's world language teachers. Our inaugural cohort will begin in the 2024-25 school year.
**Important** We do NOT cover the cost of the FLAG Conference Schools and/or participants are responsible for covering the cost of membership ($30), registration (approx. $160) and hotel ($159/night plus parking) for the 2-day conference. Attendance at the FLAG conference is a mandatory component of the mentor program |
Who can participate? The Georgia World Language Teacher mentor program welcomes mentors with more than 5 years' teaching experience who ascribe to a communicative language approach to teaching. The goal is to guide new teachers in developing solid, communicative-based teaching strategies who will remain in Georgia classrooms for years to come. If you would like to contribute to the development of our next generation of language teachers, please fill out the application found here: If you, or someone you know, is beginning their language journey and would benefit from a language teacher mentor, please complete the application at this website: Applications due June 30th |
What's next?
Applications will be reviewed and mentee/mentor pairs will be assigned. You will get notification by mid-July about your application Mentee/mentor pairs will be expected to meet synchronously (i.e., phone, video conference, in person, texting, etc.) once a month, and maintain a contact log. (It's not a complicated log, we promise!) There are 5 Program Meetings that will focus on the goals in each program phase. |